Cambrians for Thoughtful Development - Documents

This web page was last modified June 27, 2012 at 3:16 AM.

The Cambrians for Thoughtful Development, UA ( CTD ) is a registered non–profit association of citizens who joined together in 2002, concerned about the impact of a proposed ethanol plant in their Village of Cambria, Wisconsin.

The CTD recognize that Cambria needs economic development. As a group however, we remain unconvinced that an ethanol plant anywhere near our village is the kind of economic development Cambria needs.

CTD worked to ensure that an open and public process was followed in permitting Didion's proposal. We ensured that many viewpoints were expressed and appropriate questions were asked before the Village voted on the fate of the proposed 2002 ethanol plant.

In the longer term, the CTD is interested in fostering a wider debate, including participatory planning for positive development in Cambria and encompassing the economic, environmental, social, and cultural spheres.

Table of Contents

  1. CTD Timeline
  2. 2010 Documents
  3. 2009 Documents
  4. 2006–2008 Documents
  5. 2005 Documents
  6. 2002–3 Documents
  7. 2002-2003 Press Releases
  8. 2002-2003 Fact Sheets
  9. Court Documents
  10. 2002-2003 The End Game
  11. Residua
  12. Materials Not Distributed by CTD
ethanol doesn’t belong near schools image removed

Lambert’s takedown request and my reply here.

CTD Related Documents

Cambrians for Thoughtful Development Timeline

2010 Documents

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2009 Documents

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2006–2008 Documents

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2005 Documents

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2002–3 Documents

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2002-2003 Press Releases

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2002-2003 Fact Sheets

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Court Documents

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Corn for eating image removed

Lambert’s takedown request and my reply here.

2002-2003 The End Game

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Zoning ordinance changed to ban ethanol production

On April 4th, 2005, the Village of Cambria board of trustees voted overwhelmingly in favor of an ordinance banning the industrial production of ethanol within the village.

Village Board Votes "NO"

June 2nd, 2003 at their regular monthly meeting, the Cambria Village Board of Trustees voted 5 to 2 to deny Didion Milling a zoning permit and to reject their permit application as incomplete.

Plan Commission Votes "NO"

May 15th, 2003 the Cambria Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend the Village Board turn down Didion Milling's application to build an ethanol plant. Among reasons cited for not recommending a permit were the results of the advisory referendum on April 1st, the DNR denying Didion's application for 1000 gallon per minute well capacity, and Didion's failure to provide Village requested information from test wells.

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Letter to the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen

Unpublished March 2003 broadside

The ethanol experts

Materials Not Distributed by CTD

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Concerned Citizens for Ethanol

Citizens for Cambria’s Future flyer

Chester Stringfield’s 2003 campaign flyer

Sherri Stringfield’s 2003 campaign flyer

In comments made to Mayville Great 98 radio's news director, Scot Nue, Dodge County’s planning and development director, Dave Carpenter said that, the biggest advantage to plant proposals in Randolph and Cambria is that they are unzoned towns, giving United Wisconsin Grain Producers and Didion Milling less red tape to cut through.

We are the red tape

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